Everyone struggles in Life

In life, we all start our struggle since we born. Struggle means, in my opinion, is a battle we fought or fight for an existence. In this world, find a one person who never struggles for anything. No you never find that person. Because our life is meaningless without a struggle, without suffering and everyone should go with this process. At the end of this process, you surely reach your goal, but the important part is you should enjoy this process. Some peoples are stuck in this situations and lose control of everything and make decisions that destroy their lives. You want to succeed in anything you have to struggle, you want a wealth you have to struggle. Remember that as far as you alive you have to struggle for the things you want in your life, The prize you got after the struggle is a most beautiful thing in the world. Because you work hard for that thing after a certain amount of time no one going to do spoon feeding to you, Never afraid for taking new decisions. You will have to struggle to get something, in life nothing is coming to you at free of cost, you have to pay something. Note this "There is a Victory ahead a Fear".

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