Be the Player of your own Life

Recently, My college professor gives a seminar about their Life Lessons.
They asked a question of all the students" which type of role you want to play in your Life?" And then they give us two options 1. A Player or 2.A Spectator, all students are started thinking about that question. after that 80 percent of students are chosen option second. I surprised by the answers. I started thinking about, how these students are choosing this option. Because everyone is a player in their Life they play a role in what they want to be. Then the professor started explaining this two things, A player is who passionate, confident, determinant and able to make decisions about what they do or want. A Player is who set goals and started doing things that help him to achieve goals. A player is who able to take decisions in any situation, A Player is who help other peoples in their tough situations. But what about Spectator, A Spectator is not able to accept and don't even their life decisions. A Spectator depends on the other peoples they believe in spoon feeding, they don't even set goals. They spend their Life by thinking about what other peoples say about them. but believe me, no one really stop thinking and start doing Be the Player of your own life.

After understanding this I choose to be a Player in my Life."So what you want to be in your Life?",A Player or A Spectator??

Choose wisely...!

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